How often do you wish that you could communicate more effectively and diplomatically with a disgruntled customer or uncooperative colleague who’s holding the team back?

Conversations become tough when the risks are high and there is fear, disappointment or anger involved in the issue.  Some people find it tough to give negative feedback.  Others find it tough to express appreciation.  It is also tough when we think the other person is resisting our plans or misunderstanding our intention.  How do we resolve hidden conflicts, while preserving good relations and producing the results we want?

This highly interactive and practical workshop focuses on equipping leaders with the skills, knowledge and attitude to tackle and master tough conversations.


At the end of the course, participants will have developed awareness in the following skills:

  • Develop communication skills that result in trusting, open conversations

  • Diagnose the drivers of a conflict before making an informed approach to master the conversation

  • Apply the 4-steps approach to effectively prepare and engage in a tough conversation with empathy

  • Confidence in handling future ‘tough’ conversations

  • Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of body language, listening skills and assertiveness in making a tough conversation safe and successful


  • Understanding the type of conflicts we choose to have

  • What drives conflicts and tough conversations

  • How to respond to a tough conversation by judging the relative importance of the relationship to the issue

  • Practise by role-playing the 4-steps approach to prepare and engage in a tough conversation


General application for anyone


If you have any questions about how our customizable programs can fit your organization’s needs, feel free to drop us a note.