Leaders are rarely taught how to cope with setbacks and failures. When faced with the inevitable disappointments and uncertainties of life, will your leaders have what it takes to lead themselves through such setbacks and create positive outcomes again? Resilience is the quality that sets good leaders apart from average ones.

Resilience is the ability to face setbacks courageously, to manage oneself and others with trust during adversity, and to bounce back stronger and wiser from these difficulties. Imagine if your leaders were able to pick themselves up faster from setbacks, and grow more confident and resilient with every relationship and business setback, ultimately taking on greater aspirations.

Would you like a team that grows stronger with each failure or setback? Ultimately, it isn’t our successes that defines us as leaders, it is our ability to face adversity and to come out stronger each time.

Facilitated by the founder, a psychologist whose own life story has been one of resilience, this highly interactive and practical workshop explores causes of executive stress and facilitates the creation of a new mindset and habits that if internalized and practiced, will build leaders’ resilience.


At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how stress and other psychological imbalances affect a leader’s performance

  • To practise a positive and possibilities mindset to build resilience

  • Appreciating the challenges ahead and being more resilient with every setback

  • Building trust within a team to create a social support network for each other


  • What causes stress, burnout and mind-body imbalances, and why they affect a leader’s performance

  • Understand the mindset to building resilience

  • Self-reflection about their stress levels, work-life aspirations and support network

  • Tools to appreciate challenges, learn from disappointments

  • Creating trust with others and listening with empathy


Supervisory level and above


If you have any questions about how our customizable programs can fit your organization’s needs, feel free to drop us a note.